Ashcroft Newsletter
This edition includes an update from the ANA Board President, an article on committees and community involvement and a number of smaller notices.
This edition includes an update from the ANA Board President, an article on committees and community involvement and a number of smaller notices.
A meeting of the BOD is being held to discuss updates on development, financials, facilities repairs and enhancements, security and technology. The full agenda is located behind the login under Resources. When: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 at 6:30 PM Where: Zoom (see full agenda for link and password)
The news you have been waiting for! We are incredibly excited to announce that our neighborhood pool will opened for the summer season on Saturday, May 29th, 2021 without restrictions. Whoop! Governor Northam’s Executive Order 72 expired at midnight on May 28, 2021. The new Executive Order 79, dated May 14, 2021, announced several major changes to Virginia’s COVID-19 policy,…
We are pleased to announce that “Ashcroft Dog Day Afternoon at the Pool” will be held on Tuesday, September 8. This event is also BYOHS (Bring Your Own Hand Sanitizer). Space is limited to only 20 humans per each of the 3 time slots. After your 45 minutes of swim time, please use the following…
This quarter’s newsletter includes reservation system information, board and committee updates, an infrastructure report, development updates, and an article about the history of our area. Download Now
A meeting of the BOD is being held to discuss updates on development, financials, facilities, security, technology, traffic calming and the DDI. The full agenda is located behind the login under Resources. When: Tuesday, August 18, 2020 at 6:30 PM Where: Zoom (see full agenda for link and password)
Here’s your chance to learn about – and ask questions about — the Diverging Diamond Interchange being built on Rt. 250. Wednesday, September 28 6;30 p.m. In-Person at the Clubhouse, 495 Lego Drive, or Via Zoom Zoom Info: Meeting ID: 867 5859 9343Passcode: 141029 Join three VDOT managers as they describe the Diverging Diamond…