Falls Newsletter
We have had a highly successful summer. The pool season has gone well, the trails continue to be improved, the amenities’ scheduling system has been revamped, and the damaged well house and wall were removed.
We have had a highly successful summer. The pool season has gone well, the trails continue to be improved, the amenities’ scheduling system has been revamped, and the damaged well house and wall were removed.
This edition includes an update from the ANA Board President, an article on committees and community involvement and a number of smaller notices. View May 2022 Newsletter
The feature article is a Q and A with Rick Beyer about the new development planned for the area east of the clubhouse. You will also find information about a new Landscape and Gardening committee, updates from VDOT on the diverging diamond interchange, and notices of other Ashcroft committees and activities.
The Annual Membership meeting is scheduled for January 24, 2024 at 6:30 at the Clubhouse. You can also join via zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85090317339?pwd=ZnowWnVDdEIzUjVYcFFMaDQwSjczUT09Meeting ID: 850 9031 7339Passcode: 629415
A meeting of the BOD is being held to discuss updates on development, financials, pool, opening of the exercise room and clubhouse, distribution of key fobs, discussion of the 2021 budget and an update from the ARC. The full agenda and Zoom link is located behind the login under Resources. When: Tuesday, November 17, 2020…
This quarter’s newsletter includes board and committee updates, pool updates, info on the Westminster development, and an article on Oskar Hansen’s Pantops Home.
A meeting of the BOD is being held to discuss updates on development, financials, facilities, security, technology, traffic calming and the DDI. The full agenda is located behind the login under Resources. When: Tuesday, August 18, 2020 at 6:30 PM Where: Zoom (see full agenda for link and password)